It seems to have been a while since I updated. Most likely because I finished the project I had previously been working on. In all honesty, posting on this DID keep me focused and I hope to use it for the same purpose in the near future, as well as increase my deviant art activity.
Diligence, productive use of time, and manic bursts of creative energies
All things I have never been good with. I am a master procrastinator, and frequently work better when I'm pressed for time. Time management is still an issue as, being a procrastinator, doing things "later" never seems like a bad idea. Usually it's the favorable one as I get distracted by bright and shiny objects quite easily. In these states, however, it's common for me to have a manic burst of creative energy. Are these bursts generally put to good use? No. When I should use them to finish a project I had already started, usually I want to start something new, or have so many grandiose ideas that I simply can't decide what to do.
So Far So Good
It may be too soon to say, but so far I'm sticking to my self promise to write a page everyday... and have written several pages in the past couple days already. Hopefully this streak doesn't end until the story is finished! If I keep writing at the rate I have been the story should hopefully be done by the end of the week, leaving plenty of time for editing. I'm keeping my fingers crossed!
So, I have trouble motivating myself to write. I enjoy it all well enough, but I hate sucking at anything. And, let's be honest- I'm new to writing. Which means my first drafts suck, and they suck hard. But, that doesn't mean I shouldn't try. And unless I publish this in some form I'm likely to forget and just not stick to it. So I intend to make myself write a page a day of my ghost story. Specifically my ghost story and nothing else. If I get a good idea for one of my other stories I will of course note it, but that can't be my focus. I have what is basically all my life to work on it (and that's the likely outcome) but this has a time limit. So starting today, the 10th, until the 30th I will write one page a day, though not limited to a single page if I happen to hit a writing streak. I'm not intending this to be a 20 page short story so I'm hoping that this will leave me time to edit and make it not crappy, but I need to finish something because if I can't do this who's to say I will ever be able to finish anything else?
Character profiles and world histories
As a fledgling "writer" I've often sat, contemplating the nature of my characters and their interaction with the world in which they live. A world can have a great impact on a person from his/her time of birth and that same person can later have a great impact on that world. But, it is necessary to have a strong foundation for both from the beginning, yes? Though I'm aware that these two aspects will continue to expand through actual story telling, I believe the creation of specific profiles and a history are a good start. So, if I stay diligent (unlikely as that may be) hopefully I will have profiles that I will be willing to post, or at least comment on.
I've had blogs before and never really kept up with them or ever wrote anything. Hopefully the same will not be true of this one. It most likely will be the case though.